
Case Study - Acropolis. All Department of Defense agencies have been challenged with securing their networks.

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Case Study


All Department of Defense agencies have been challenged with securing their networks.  The Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) has created a program called Acropolis to help protect these networks.  Acropolis provides an enterprise-wide capability of implementing security best practices by collecting, storing, and analyzing summaries of DoD data.


TechTrend has played a large role in the Acropolis program by providing hardware, software, installation services, and training to DISA personnel to support these large amounts of data across various DoD locations.  TechTrend has supported the mission of Acropolis, which is to build and maintain a DoD enterprise capable of acquiring global situational awareness from both information assurance and a network operations perspective.


TechTrend works around the clock with suppliers to ensure we have the best teaming agreements with our suppliers. Through certification and training courses with companies, such as HPE and Cisco, we are able to develop secure relationships that enable us to receive a comparable pricing. More importantly quoting, PO, and shipping process is expedited allowing TechTrend to be a leading partner.