How GitHub Helps Developers Create Government Apps Faster

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How GitHub Helps Developers Create Secure Government Apps Faster

Government developers struggle to build citizen and employee applications that are both fast and secure. President Biden has issued “Executive Order on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity” to accelerate and enable cybersecurity for government agencies and organizations.  From 2006 to 2018, the average number of cybersecurity incidents reported by federal agencies was 38,484. GitHub helps developers build government apps that are both fast and secure. TechTrend partnered with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service (FS) to identify, select, and deploy GitHub Enterprise.


The USDA is made up of 29 agencies and offices with nearly 100,000 employees who serve the American people at more than 4,500 locations across the country and abroad. The FS asked TechTrend to identify, select, and deploy a secure code collaboration tool that would:

  • optimize their agile teams;
  • enable quick secure code deployment; and
  • comply with the Federal policies for data and source code management.

TechTrend has nearly two decades of experience developing applications and providing cloud-based solutions for their government and commercial customers. Our agile, human-centered design expertise enabled us to partner with the FS to select an industry-leading source code management solution.


The FS has more than 500 software developers distributed across the United States. Their agile, iterative software development practice needed a centralized and secure way to manage their application code. This solution also needed to ensure compliance with the Federal Data Strategy and the Federal Source Code Policies.


GitHub Enterprise increases developer velocity and is trusted by over 65 million developers. Forrester conducted “The Total Economic Impact of GitHub Enterprise™ and found:

40% Reduction
in developer onboarding time.

639 Return on investment
over 3 years.

45 Minutes saved
per developer, per day.

GitHub Enterprise is also FedRAMP tailored authorized. This allows federal government partners to:

  • collaborate securely on software development and management via the cloud;
  • modernize their software build processes;
  • leverage the latest GitHub features and capabilities; and
  • jump start agency authorization.

TechTrend helped the FS build faster government applications by deploying a dedicated instance of GitHub Enterprise.


  • Deployed GitHub Enterprise to more than 500 FS developers.
  • Enabled FS to build efficient and cost-effective applications.
  • Centralized source code management to enable easy collaboration, discuss changes, and receive feedback.
  • Provided centralized source code management solution that enables:
    • easy collaboration;
    • change management; and
    • feedback collection.
  • Enabled FS to meet OMB and Federal Source Code Policy mandates.
  • Provided FS real-time insight into their development projects.

Deploy Fast Government Apps with
GitHub Enterprise Today!